Friday, February 22, 2008

Joe Smith Fan Club

This guy contacted me several years ago said there was a Joe Smith Fan Club in is area and wanted to know if I had any of my bikes for sale. The only one I knew about at that time was in the NHRA Museum and I didn’t own it. I’ve always regretted that I didn’t have any of them any longer, but some times that how it turns out. MONEY! I could be in the bucks if I still had those machines, probably wouldn’t have to sell any. That’s how he got the stuff on eBay. He has an Off Road business, also at the time a Chopper Shop as he called it. Ask me one time if I would come up and run it. I turned it down. All the stuff he had of mine was on display in his store, which one, I don’t know. He seemed like a nice guy, even sent some money to my bank account once to help out. He paid what I ask for the stuff which turns out was a piffle amount today.

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